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Always Only One Tap Away
With Emergency Contact Smart Tags

Emergency Contact Tags Slapband About Us


Everybody knows the unimaginable fear of losing their child or pet!


If it's a shopping trip, a GAA match,  an agricultural show, a school tour, a trip to the zoo or beach, or a holiday in a foreign country. The fear of losing your child or pet in the crowd is always at the forefront of our minds.  Our company was established to give families a unique product that gives peace of mind and freedom to enjoy life's adventures together. If the unimaginable happens, your details are only one tap away.  From the initial concept to the final product, our attention to detail is second to none. The Emergency Contact Smart Tags have set the bar for innovation and safety. Explore our site and see for yourself - we love our work and we’re sure you will, too.



Children Lost Missing Emergency Contact Slapband

Mary, Limerick

The moment I heard about this, I purchased 3 of the tags right away.  They are super easy to use and helped ease my worries knowing my kids are just one tap away. 

Image by Marliese Streefland

James, Cork

I got a small tag for my dog, It was so easy to set up and now I have peace of mind that if Molly ever got lost I will be easily contactable. It's an amazing product.. 

Old Man Sitting

Sarah, Meath

My dad has dementia, he is always getting confused and tends to wander on us. Having the wristband with all his detail is just amazing. At least now I know he will never get lost. These tags are literally a lifesaver.. 

Emergency Contact Logo Safety Child Small Tags Large Tags


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